
My plan

Today is free day!!

I think that I write today's my plan here.

First, I have to do homework. It's English phonetics homework.
But this homework is very easy. I will be able to do soon.

Second, I have to plan what to do in tenns lesson next term.
(My part time job is tennis coach.)

Third, I want to watch recording.

Fourth, I want to clean my room.

Finally, I have to study English.

Oh! Today is not free day!! ( ゜Д ゜*)

2 件のコメント:

m_yam さんのコメント...

Did you do all of these? :-)

I didn't know you're teaching tennis! Wonderful!

I have a tennis racket I haven't used for a long time... (over ten years, maybe)

みく さんのコメント...

Actually... I did only first,second and third.(^v^;)

My tennis coach experience is about one year!

I want to play tennis with you♪